Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Sculpture from flat panels

In order to attempt to realise the small sketches and drawings from my sketchbook on a larger scale I attempted to create the compositions out of sections of MDF. The first one was a direct re-creation of the composition from a drawing in my sketchbook using painted pieces of MDF and also painting other sections on the board itself. To follow the drawing i also left the background of the piece the same as when i found it.

Paris - On the Internet (Relief)
70 x 50cm
Acrylic on Board and MDF

 The next method I tried was identical to the previous one, except I did not paint the sections of MDF. Instead I stretched canvas over the board and used charcoal to draw in the edges of the face. The dark lines created by the charcoal pressing against the edges of the MDF sections became the shapes which define the face.

Untitled (Relief)
80 x 60cm
Pastel and Charcoal on Canvas stretched on Board

Next I tried the same as in Paris - On the Internet except on some of the sections of MDF i used a belt sander to add an angle to one side so when it was nailed down it protruded from the board, creating three dimensional shapes within the faces.

The Argument
70 x 50cm
Acrylic on Board and MDF

Using left over scraps of wood, glued and stapled together, I created a sculpture of a woman with her body lying back on the right and her face enlarged to the left.

Woman in two parts
Acrylic on MDF
15cm (Height)

William Utermolen

William Utermolen drew mostly self portraits and to begin with they were completely figurative. His late self portraits documented his descent into Alzheimer's disease. He represents his feelings about his condition with remarkable clarity presenting his sadness, anxiety and even anger at the loss of some of his basic functions.

The artists website can be found here.

Self Portrait (1955)
28 x 21cm
Pencil on Paper

Self Portrait (With easel - yellow and green) (1996)
46 x 35cm
Mixed Media on Paper

Head I (2000)
40.5 x 33cm
Pencil on Paper

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

New Sketchbook Work

Starting a new project I decided to throw around some ideas in a sketch book and have completed a number of small works based on the people working around me in the studio. They are intended as an impression of the person, not a life like replication and movement and drawing from life was key, hence why I did not use photographs.

Paris - On the internet
20 x 17 cm
Pencil and Pen on Paper

Penny - Online
14 x 14cm
Pencil, Biro and Pen on Paper

Ben - In the studio
16 x 14cm
Pencil and Pen on Paper

Paris - View from the seat
10 x 16cm
Pencil and Pen on Paper